How can we help you?

You need to register with us before placing an order. You can select products and make payment to confirm the order. Your information will help us to deliver the products at right time.
We sell all Ramuka’s products that includes sweets, namkeens, snacks, chocolates, dry fruit, gift packs, packaged sweets drink , jucie and more.
We provide both Pickup or Delivery services.
Pickup -  User can pickup order from selected store as listed in website.
Delivery - We provide Delivery services with some charges. User have to pay some extra charges for delivery services. 
We accept payment through UPI, Wallet, credit cards, debit cards, internet banking.
You can track order at any time from track your order.
For bulk or corporate orders, you can send a mail at with contact details or call us at +91 7491985913 and we will promptly respond to you.